Wendy Young, Director
Early Music Unleashed! is an electronic extension of Early Music Princeton. Born during the pandemic as a response to creating music on computers, Unleashed! utilizes a variety of computer programs, baroque instruments, and the human voice, to reinterpret “old” music in “new” ways.
From standard repertoire to covers
We explore selected music ranging from chant and polyphony of the Middle Ages to Haydn and early Mozart, and everything in-between, and bring it to life with a 21st century ear. Working both individually and in groups of two or more, students have the opportunity to create inspired interpretations.
A basic knowledge of GarageBand, Logic Pro X, or another computer music program would be helpful but is not required.

I had a wonderful time with Early Music Unleashed! I was able to use tools and skills in electronic/computer music to represent and rearrange some of the greatest pieces from the early period, which offered me a new way of learning and appreciating early music. During our weekly sessions, it was always so inspiring and refreshing to see others process the same materials with totally different perspectives. (Yue Qiao, GS)